
The Benefits Garden Boxes Offer to Plant, Flower, and Herb Growth

The Benefits Garden Boxes Offer to Plant, Flower, and Herb Growth

Planting your own personal garden can be a fulfilling and enjoyable experience. In addition to enjoying your very own vegetables, herbs, or flowers, you will also get the opportunity to enjoy the satisfaction of nurturing plants and watching them grow. However, growing your own plants in an unenclosed area can often be difficult and frustrating, even for experienced gardeners. Here are some of the benefits wooden garden boxes offer to plant, flower, and herb growth.

Weed Control

One of most frustrating parts of growing a garden in an unenclosed area is weed growth. Weeds are invasive plants that grow quickly and take up precious nutrients from the soil, often leaving little left for your plants. A garden box helps you keep weeds out by separating your plants from the rest of your yard.

Pest Protection

In some parts of the country, weeds are not the only worry. Animals and pests can also pose a major threat to gardens. In unprotected gardens, burrowing gophers can destroy a garden before the seeds even sprout. A garden box can help you protect your plants from gophers and other pests by creating a barrier through which they cannot pass.


Another major benefit of garden boxes is their portability. There are a number of situations in which you could potentially want to move your garden. The most obvious situation is that you are moving yourself. Instead of having to leave your carefully nurtured garden behind, a garden box allows you to take your garden with you to your new home. Another benefit of portability is that you can move your garden to a secure location in the event of a severe storm.

There’s nothing worse than watching the garden you’ve spent months nurturing die out due to weeds or pests. Use a garden box to give yourself a dedicated space to grow your vegetables, herbs, or flowers. To learn more about the benefits of garden boxes, call J & W Lumber at (760) 741-8776.


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